

School Readiness Program

Our School Readiness Program is designed for children ready for kindergarten, whether they meet typical developmental milestones or have delays. It’s a great fit for kids who will soon start school and want to learn in a group setting with plenty of adult support.

Here’s what the program offers:

– Simulates a school environment in a small group (3-5 kids) to boost your child’s skills.

– Helps your child get used to the structured routine they’ll experience in school.

– Provides a supportive social setting with a high adult-to-child ratio to improve social and play skills.

– Encourages children to use both verbal and non-verbal language to communicate their needs.

– Develops appropriate social behaviours and emotional control.

– Enhances finger strength and handwriting.

– Strengthens your child’s muscle coordination and balance.

What is Developmental Milestones and Developmental Delay?

Developmental milestones are markers that show the expected skills a child should develop as they grow. We assess your child’s progress in:

– Physical abilities

– Social skills

– Emotional skills

– Thinking abilities

– Language skills

This evaluation is based on the skills typical for their age (Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority, 2018).


Children with developmental delays struggle with everyday activities that are usually easy for others their age. They may need extra help with speaking, walking, focusing, and playing (National Disability Insurance Scheme, 2024 March 28). Our School Readiness Group Program at Diversey Care offers specialized group support to these children, using a team of experts to enhance their development.

Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. (2018). Developmental milestones   and the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards. https://www.acecqa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2018-02/DevelopmentalMilestonesEYLFandNQS.pdf

National Disability Scheme. (2024, March 28). Developmental Delay and The Early Childhood Approach. https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/families-and-carers/early-childhood-approach-children-younger-9/developmental-delay-and-early-childhood-approach

Why Diversey Care?

Personalised Approach​

Your needs are unique. Therefore, we will work one-on-one with you to get the best results

Support and Guidance

You will get a thorough guidance on how to manage your daily activities while you're at home.

Competitive Price

Our prices are market competitive and you can get the best deal with us.

Available Everywhere in VIC and Queensland

Wherever you are in Victoria and Queensland, we are available to help you.

How the program is going to help your child?

Here are five unique advantages our School Readiness Program can provide to your child and prepare them for school:
Comprehensive and Cost Effective

In a 3-hour session, your child will see at least 2 specialists at a fraction of the 1v1 NDIS rate.

   - We use a multidisciplinary team to facilitate our program, bring together various specialists like Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, and Psychologists. This diverse expertise ensures holistic development in areas such as physical abilities, social skills, emotional regulation, thinking skills, and language.

Focused on Individual Strengths

The program reduces anxiety and regulates their emotion in activities kids enjoy.

   - Our strengths-based approach highlights and builds on what your child does best. By recognizing your child's unique strengths and interests, we tailor activities that foster their confidence and abilities, making learning more effective and enjoyable.

Personalized Support

We coordinate with other health professionals to develop personalised plans that work best for your child.

   - The person-centred approach in our program means we look at your child's individual needs and preferences. We create a personalized developmental plan that respects your child's perspective and directly addresses their specific needs and potential barriers.

Preparation for Educational Transitions:

Get ahead of the curve, start strong before your child transitions into kindy or school

   - Our program is designed to smooth your child's transition into kindergarten or school. By developing essential school-readiness skills and adapting to your child’s learning style, we help ease the move to a more structured learning environment.

Family Involvement

Our secure site and experienced therapists provide peace of mind while you enjoy a break during the session. 

   - We believe in strong collaboration with families. By involving you in the planning and application of your child's development plan, we ensure that our efforts are aligned with your expectations and insights, creating a supportive and consistent learning atmosphere for your child.

Who Can Enrol?

Children who are aged between 3 to 6 years old and are hoping to receive intensive support with the process of transitioning into kindergarten or school.


For further information on our School Readiness Group Program fee, please contact Admin@diverseycare.com.au or phone 1300 908 991 to speak to our representative.

How To Enrol?

Complete our Online Referral Form to enrol

Where Can You Find Us?

Our clinic is at Suite 3, 260 Springvale Road, Glen Waverley 3150. Our specialists are available all around Queensland and Victoria.
Contact us via the form below we will contact you within 2 business hours.
If the matter is urgent, please call us at 1300 908 991.